Educational Testing ServiceAd Council
Cheating is a Personal Foul
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A Message from Educational Testing Service

Welcome to the Educational Testing Service/The Advertising Council campaign to discourage academic cheating. Several months ago ETS entered into a partnership with the Ad Council to develop a national campaign to increase awareness about the prevalence of academic cheating and to spark a national discussion of this serious issue.

In both our schools and workplaces, cheating undermines integrity and fairness at all levels. In fact, studies show that up to 92% of high school students say that cheating is "commonplace." Cheating is a barrier to learning that can lead to weak performance in many areas of life.

The ultimate goals of this campaign are to persuade children not to cheat and to not accept cheating among their friends. ETS and the Ad Council hope to reach students ages 10 - 14 through a series of national public service announcements for TV, print and radio. The campaign slogan is "Cheating is a Personal Foul." Each ad conveys the message that doing what's right brings a feeling of pride and a sense of accomplishment.

We are confident that this campaign will have a powerful, measurable, and long-term beneficial impact on our children, our nation's educational system and society as a whole.

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